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wiki:conventions [2017/06/12 01:52] – [Indentation] zdimensionwiki:conventions [2017/06/16 18:28] (current) zdimension
Line 43: Line 43:
 uint32_t* fieldName; uint32_t* fieldName;
 </code> </code>
 +===== Bit fields =====
 +==== Horizontal (long descriptions) ====
 +=== 8-bit ===
 +^ Hex ^ Bit ^ Description ^
 +^  ''0x0001'' ^  0 | text |
 +^  ''0x0002'' ^  1 | text |
 +^  ''0x0004'' ^  2 | text |
 +^  ''0x0008'' ^  3 | text |
 +^  ''0x0010'' ^  4 | {{:icons:tr4.png?nolink|TR4 only}} Example of double line |
 +^ ::: ^ ::: | {{:icons:tr5.png?nolink|TR5 only}} Example of double line |
 +^  ''0x0020'' ^  5 | text |
 +^  ''0x0040'' ^  6 | text |
 +^  ''0x0080'' ^  7 | text |
 +=== 16-bit ===
 +^ Hex ^ Bit ^ Description ^
 +^  ''0x0001'' ^  0 | text |
 +^  ''0x0002'' ^  1 | text |
 +^  ''0x0004'' ^  2 | text |
 +^  ''0x0008'' ^  3 | text |
 +^  ''0x0010'' ^  4 | {{:icons:tr4.png?nolink|TR4 only}} Example of double line |
 +^ ::: ^ ::: | {{:icons:tr5.png?nolink|TR5 only}} Example of double line |
 +^  ''0x0020'' ^  5 | text |
 +^  ''0x0040'' ^  6 | text |
 +^  ''0x0080'' ^  7 | text |
 +^  ''0x0100'' ^  8 | text |
 +^  ''0x0200'' ^  9 | text |
 +^  ''0x0400'' ^  10 | text |
 +^  ''0x0800'' ^  11 | text |
 +^  ''0x1000'' ^  12 | text |
 +^  ''0x2000'' ^  13 | text |
 +^  ''0x4000'' ^  14 | text |
 +^  ''0x8000'' ^  15 | text |
 +==== Vertical (field names only) ====
 +^ Hex value ^ ''%%0x8000%%'' ^ ''%%0x7F00%%'' ^^^^^^^ ^^^ ''%%0x001F%%'' ^^^^^
 +^ Bit ^ 15 ^ 14 ^ 13 ^ 12 ^ 11 ^ 10 ^ 9 ^ 8 ^ 7 ^ 6 ^ 5 ^ 4 ^ 3 ^ 2 ^ 1 ^ 0 ^
 +^ Field |  ''%%Field1%%''  |  ''%%Field2%%''  ||||||| |||  ''%%Field3%%''  |||||
wiki/conventions.txt · Last modified: 2017/06/16 18:28 (external edit)
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