This version (2017/04/15 17:38) was approved by stohrendorf.The Previously approved version (2017/01/24 20:30) is available.
TR2 ID | Name | Description | Additional notes | Invisible | Pickup | Helper | Unused | Sprite | Menu item | Wiki page | Image |
0 | Lara | Including Lara skin | Lara | ||||||||
1 | LaraPistolsAnim | Animations used for pistol/magnums/uzi shooting | yes | ||||||||
2 | LaraPonytail | Hardcoded to attach to Lara’s head | yes | ||||||||
3 | LaraShotgunAnim | Animations used for shotgun shooting | yes | ||||||||
4 | LaraAutopistolsAnim | Meshes used for automatic pistols shooting, anims from LaraPistolsAnim | yes | ||||||||
5 | LaraUzisAnim | Meshes used for uzis shooting, anims from LaraPistolsAnim | yes | ||||||||
6 | LaraM16Anim | Animations used for M16 shooting | yes | ||||||||
7 | LaraGrenadeLauncherAnim | Animations used for grenade launcher shooting | |||||||||
8 | LaraHarpoonGunAnim | Animations used for harpoon gun shooting | |||||||||
9 | LaraFlareAnim | ||||||||||
10 | LaraSnowmobileAnim | Animations used for snowmobile driving | |||||||||
11 | LaraBoatAnim | Animations used for boat driving | |||||||||
12 | AlternativeLara | Alternative Lara outfits and animations | Various additional anims and models used across the game (Home suit, wounded Lara, Gold Lara etc.) | yes | |||||||
13 | RedSnowmobile | Goes faster than BlackSnowmobile but can’t shoot | |||||||||
14 | Boat | ||||||||||
15 | Dog | Doberman in TR2 | |||||||||
16 | MaskedGoon1 | White mask, jacket. | |||||||||
17 | MaskedGoon2 | White mask, vest. Uses animations from MaskedGoon1 | |||||||||
18 | MaskedGoon3 | Black mask. Uses animations from MaskedGoon1 | |||||||||
19 | Knifethrower | ||||||||||
20 | ShotgunGoon | ||||||||||
21 | Rat | ||||||||||
22 | DragonFront | yes | |||||||||
23 | DragonBack | Attaches to DragonFront at runtime | yes | ||||||||
24 | Gondola | Shatterable by boat vehicle | |||||||||
25 | Shark | ||||||||||
26 | YellowMorayEel | ||||||||||
27 | BlackMorayEel | ||||||||||
28 | Barracuda | ||||||||||
29 | ScubaDiver | ||||||||||
30 | Gunman1 | ||||||||||
31 | Gunman2 | ||||||||||
32 | StickWieldingGoon1 | ||||||||||
33 | StickWieldingGoon2 | Can’t climb | |||||||||
34 | FlamethrowerGoon | ||||||||||
36 | Spider | ||||||||||
37 | GiantSpider | ||||||||||
38 | Crow | ||||||||||
39 | Tiger | Also snow leopard | |||||||||
40 | MarcoBartoli | ||||||||||
41 | XianGuardSpear | ||||||||||
42 | XianGuardSpearStatue | Transforms to XianGuardSpear on activation | |||||||||
43 | XianGuardSword | ||||||||||
44 | XianGuardSwordStatue | Transforms to XianGuardSword on activation | |||||||||
45 | Yeti | ||||||||||
46 | BirdMonster | Guards Talion | |||||||||
47 | Eagle | ||||||||||
48 | Mercenary1 | ||||||||||
49 | Mercenary2 | Black ski mask, gray jacket | |||||||||
50 | Mercenary3 | Black ski mask, brown jacket | |||||||||
51 | BlackSnowmobile | Goes slower than RedSnowmobile, but can shoot | |||||||||
52 | MercenarySnowmobileDriver | ||||||||||
53 | Monk1 | With long stick | |||||||||
54 | Monk2 | With knife-end stick | |||||||||
55 | FallingBlock | Hard collision above floor level, trigger should be in sector to activate | |||||||||
57 | LooseBoards | Same action as FallingBlock | |||||||||
58 | SwingingSandbag | Sometimes it's a spiky ball | |||||||||
59 | TeethSpikes | Sometimes glass shards in TR2, and barbed wires in TR3 | |||||||||
60 | RollingBall | ||||||||||
61 | Dart | Projectile, dynamically generated by DartEmitter. Disc in TR2 and TR3 | yes | ||||||||
62 | DartEmitter | ||||||||||
63 | Drawbridge | ||||||||||
64 | SlammingDoors | ||||||||||
65 | Elevator | Trigger should be in sector to be standable | |||||||||
66 | Minisub | ||||||||||
67 | PushableBlock1 | ||||||||||
68 | PushableBlock2 | ||||||||||
69 | PushableBlock3 | ||||||||||
70 | PushableBlock4 | ||||||||||
71 | Lava bowl | ||||||||||
72 | BreakableWindow1 | Must be shot to break | |||||||||
73 | BreakableWindow2 | Must be jumped through to break | |||||||||
76 | AirplanePropeller | ||||||||||
77 | PowerSaw | ||||||||||
78 | OverheadPulleyHook | ||||||||||
79 | FallingCeiling | Also sometimes sandbag in TR2 | |||||||||
80 | RollingSpindle | ||||||||||
81 | WallKnifeBlade | Sometimes knife disk in TR3 | |||||||||
82 | StatueKnifeBlade | ||||||||||
83 | MultipleBoulders | Snowballs in Tibetan Foothills | |||||||||
84 | DetachableIcicles | ||||||||||
85 | SpikyWall | ||||||||||
86 | BouncePad | Bounces Lara up | |||||||||
87 | SpikyCeiling | ||||||||||
88 | TibetanBell | Activates when shot | |||||||||
89 | BoatWake | yes | yes | ||||||||
90 | SnowmobileWake | yes | yes | ||||||||
91 | SnowmobileBelt | Two meshes are swapped at runtime according to current snowmobile state | |||||||||
92 | WheelKnob | ||||||||||
93 | SmallWallSwitch | ||||||||||
94 | UnderwaterPropeller | ||||||||||
95 | AirFan | ||||||||||
96 | SwingingBox | Sometimes it's a spiky ball | |||||||||
97 | CutsceneActor1 | ||||||||||
98 | CutsceneActor2 | ||||||||||
99 | CutsceneActor3 | ||||||||||
100 | UIFrame | Used to create UI elements | yes | yes | |||||||
101 | RollingStorageDrums | ||||||||||
102 | ZiplineHandle | When used, slides until there’s an obstacle ~1.5 sectors ahead; position is reset on every triggering | |||||||||
103 | PushButtonSwitch | ||||||||||
104 | WallSwitch | Sometimes an underwater switch in TR2 | |||||||||
105 | UnderwaterSwitch | ||||||||||
106 | Door1 | ||||||||||
107 | Door2 | ||||||||||
108 | Door3 | ||||||||||
109 | Door4 | ||||||||||
110 | Door5 | ||||||||||
111 | Door6 | Lifting door in TR2 | |||||||||
112 | Door7 | Lifting door in TR2 | |||||||||
113 | Door8 | Lifting door in TR2 | |||||||||
114 | Trapdoor1 | ||||||||||
115 | Trapdoor2 | ||||||||||
116 | Trapdoor3 | ||||||||||
117 | BridgeFlat | ||||||||||
118 | BridgeTilt1 | ||||||||||
119 | BridgeTilt2 | ||||||||||
120 | PassportOpening | yes | yes | ||||||||
121 | Compass | Stopwatch in TR2 and TR3 | yes | yes | |||||||
122 | LarasHomePolaroid | yes | yes | ||||||||
123 | CutsceneActor4 | ||||||||||
124 | CutsceneActor5 | ||||||||||
125 | CutsceneActor6 | ||||||||||
126 | CutsceneActor7 | ||||||||||
127 | CutsceneActor8 | ||||||||||
128 | CutsceneActor9 | ||||||||||
129 | CutsceneActor10 | ||||||||||
130 | CutsceneActor11 | ||||||||||
133 | PassportClosed | yes | yes | ||||||||
134 | Map | yes | yes | ||||||||
135 | PistolsSprite | yes | |||||||||
136 | ShotgunSprite | yes | |||||||||
137 | AutopistolsSprite | yes | yes | ||||||||
138 | UzisSprite | yes | |||||||||
139 | HarpoonGunSprite | yes | yes | ||||||||
140 | M16Sprite | yes | yes | ||||||||
141 | GrenadeLauncherSprite | yes | yes | ||||||||
142 | PistolAmmoSprite | yes | |||||||||
143 | ShotgunAmmoSprite | yes | |||||||||
144 | AutopistolAmmoSprite | yes | yes | ||||||||
145 | UziAmmoSprite | yes | |||||||||
146 | HarpoonGunAmmoSprite | yes | yes | ||||||||
147 | M16AmmoSprite | yes | yes | ||||||||
148 | GrenadeLauncherAmmoSprite | yes | yes | ||||||||
149 | SmallMedipackSprite | Restores 1/2 of Lara HP | yes | ||||||||
150 | LargeMedipackSprite | Completely restores Lara HP | yes | ||||||||
151 | FlaresSprite | yes | yes | ||||||||
152 | Flare | Spawns when Lara throws flare away, re-pickupable | yes | ||||||||
153 | Sunglasses | yes | yes | ||||||||
154 | CassettePlayer | yes | yes | ||||||||
155 | DirectionKeys | yes | yes | ||||||||
157 | Pistols | yes | yes | ||||||||
158 | Shotgun | yes | yes | ||||||||
159 | Autopistols | yes | yes | ||||||||
160 | Uzis | yes | yes | ||||||||
161 | HarpoonGun | yes | yes | ||||||||
162 | M16 | yes | yes | ||||||||
163 | GrenadeLauncher | yes | yes | ||||||||
164 | PistolAmmo | yes | yes | ||||||||
165 | ShotgunAmmo | yes | yes | ||||||||
166 | AutopistolAmmo | yes | yes | ||||||||
167 | UziAmmo | yes | yes | ||||||||
168 | HarpoonGunAmmo | yes | yes | ||||||||
169 | M16Ammo | yes | yes | ||||||||
170 | GrenadeLauncherAmmo | yes | yes | ||||||||
171 | SmallMedipack | Restores 1/2 of Lara HP | yes | yes | |||||||
172 | LargeMedipack | Completely restores Lara HP | yes | yes | |||||||
173 | Flares | yes | yes | ||||||||
174 | Puzzle1Sprite | yes | |||||||||
175 | Puzzle2Sprite | yes | |||||||||
176 | Puzzle3Sprite | yes | |||||||||
177 | Puzzle4Sprite | yes | |||||||||
178 | Puzzle1 | yes | yes | ||||||||
179 | Puzzle2 | yes | yes | ||||||||
180 | Puzzle3 | yes | yes | ||||||||
181 | Puzzle4 | yes | yes | ||||||||
182 | PuzzleHole1 | Swaps to PuzzleDone1 when Puzzle1 is used | |||||||||
183 | PuzzleHole2 | Swaps to PuzzleDone2 when Puzzle2 is used | |||||||||
184 | PuzzleHole3 | Swaps to PuzzleDone3 when Puzzle3 is used | |||||||||
185 | PuzzleHole4 | Swaps to PuzzleDone4 when Puzzle4 is used | |||||||||
186 | PuzzleDone1 | ||||||||||
187 | PuzzleDone2 | ||||||||||
188 | PuzzleDone3 | ||||||||||
189 | PuzzleDone4 | ||||||||||
190 | Secret1 | Golden dragon | yes | yes | |||||||
191 | Secret2 | Jade dragon | yes | yes | |||||||
192 | Secret3 | Silver dragon | yes | yes | |||||||
193 | Key1Sprite | yes | |||||||||
194 | Key2Sprite | yes | |||||||||
195 | Key3Sprite | yes | |||||||||
196 | Key4Sprite | yes | |||||||||
197 | Key1 | yes | yes | ||||||||
198 | Key2 | yes | yes | ||||||||
199 | Key3 | yes | yes | ||||||||
200 | Key4 | yes | yes | ||||||||
201 | Keyhole1 | Used with Key1Sprite | |||||||||
202 | Keyhole2 | Used with Key2Sprite | |||||||||
203 | Keyhole3 | Used with Key3Sprite | |||||||||
204 | Keyhole4 | Used with Key4Sprite | |||||||||
205 | QuestItem1Sprite | yes | yes | ||||||||
206 | QuestItem2Sprite | Talion | yes | yes | |||||||
207 | QuestItem1 | yes | yes | ||||||||
208 | QuestItem2 | Talion | yes | yes | |||||||
209 | DragonExplosionEffect | yes | |||||||||
210 | DragonExplosionEffect2 | yes | |||||||||
211 | DragonExplosionEffect3 | yes | |||||||||
212 | Alarm | Plays looped sound ID #332 | yes | ||||||||
213 | DrippingWater | Randomly plays sound ID #329 | yes | ||||||||
214 | TRex | ||||||||||
215 | SingingBirds | Randomly plays sound ID #316 | yes | ||||||||
216 | BartoliHideoutClock | yes | |||||||||
217 | Placeholder | Purpose unknown | yes | ||||||||
218 | DragonBonesFront | Transformed from DragonFront when dragon dies | yes | ||||||||
219 | DragonBonesBack | Transformed from DragonBack when dragon dies | yes | ||||||||
220 | ExtraFire | Used in Ice Palace | yes | yes | |||||||
222 | AquaticMine | Present in Venice | |||||||||
223 | MenuBackground | Animated on PSX version | yes | ||||||||
224 | GrayDisk | Purpose unknown | yes | yes | |||||||
225 | GongStick | Contains animation for gong stick itself, Lara anim is placed in AlternativeLara | yes | ||||||||
226 | Gong | Acts same way as ID #202, i.e. entity ID #194 can be used | |||||||||
227 | DetonatorBox | ||||||||||
228 | Helicopter | Present in Diving Area; Flies upwards and away | |||||||||
229 | Explosion | Also used for grenade blast | yes | yes | |||||||
230 | Splash | Emitted by WaterfallMist and Lara going underwater | yes | yes | |||||||
231 | Bubbles | Emitted by Lara underwater | yes | yes | |||||||
233 | Blood | yes | yes | ||||||||
235 | FlareSparkles | Used on activated flare, animation is done via randomized rotation | yes | yes | |||||||
236 | Glow | Overlay for M16/MP5 gunflare mesh | yes | yes | |||||||
238 | Ricochet | yes | yes | ||||||||
240 | Gunflare | Rendered when shooting | yes | ||||||||
241 | M16Gunflare | Used when shooting M16 only | yes | ||||||||
243 | CameraTarget | yes | |||||||||
244 | WaterfallMist | Generates water ripples below | yes | ||||||||
245 | Harpoon | yes | |||||||||
247 | Placeholder | Purpose unknown | yes | ||||||||
248 | GrenadeSingle | Projectile, generated when shooting grenade launcher | yes | ||||||||
249 | HarpoonFlying | Projectile, generated when shooting harpoon gun | yes | ||||||||
250 | LavaParticles | yes | yes | ||||||||
251 | LavaParticleEmitter | Produces sound (effect ChoppyWater=149) and bouncing sprite bubbles | yes | ||||||||
252 | Flame | yes | yes | ||||||||
253 | FlameEmitter | Generates flame sprite sequence, sets Lara on fire in radius of 300 units across the axes (i.e., not an exact circular radius, just the absolute distance on each axis individually); health damage on an "axis distance" below 600 units | yes | ||||||||
254 | Skybox | Rendered when any room with outside flag set is visible | yes | ||||||||
255 | FontGraphics | yes | yes | ||||||||
256 | Monk | ||||||||||
257 | DoorBell | Plays sound ID #334 once in TR2, no sound at all in TR3 | yes | ||||||||
258 | AlarmBell | Plays looped sound ID #335 | yes | ||||||||
259 | Helicopter | Travels around 30 sectors, then deactivates itself | |||||||||
260 | Winston | ||||||||||
262 | LaraCutscenePlacement | Used in last level to engage shower cutscene | yes | ||||||||
263 | ShotgunAnimation | Used in end game cutscene (shower) | yes | ||||||||
264 | DragonExplosionEmitter | Activates when Lara at a close range, produces animation sequence using DragonExplosionEffect1-3, then spawns DragonFront at the end | yes |