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trs:mesh_construction_animation [2017/11/17 12:18] stohrendorftrs:mesh_construction_animation [2020/05/19 14:30] (current) zdimension
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   - **Empty Hands**  (No arguments). This command is performed in the end of animation of Lara pulling a switch, inserting a key, grabbing a pushable block, and so on. It is needed because engine “locks” Lara’s ability to draw weapons or ignite a flare when such action is performed, and only way to unlock it is to call this command.   - **Empty Hands**  (No arguments). This command is performed in the end of animation of Lara pulling a switch, inserting a key, grabbing a pushable block, and so on. It is needed because engine “locks” Lara’s ability to draw weapons or ignite a flare when such action is performed, and only way to unlock it is to call this command.
   - **Kill**  (No arguments). Kill entity. This effectively disables entity and removes it from the world. For switch entities, same command is used to define switching point animation.   - **Kill**  (No arguments). Kill entity. This effectively disables entity and removes it from the world. For switch entities, same command is used to define switching point animation.
-  - **Play Sound**  (2 arguments). The first argument is a frame number, and the second one is the ID of the sound to play at that frame (internal sound index). \\ {{:icons:tr2.png?nolink&}}{{:icons:tr3.png?nolink&}}{{:icons:tr4.png?nolink&}}{{:icons:tr5.png?nolink&}}Besides Sound ID, second argument may contain two “packed” bit flags. Their meanings are:+  - **Play Sound**  (2 arguments). The first argument is a frame number, and the second one is the ID of the sound to play at that frame (internal sound index). \\ {{:icons:tr2.png?nolink&}}{{:icons:tr3.png?nolink&}}{{:icons:tr4.png?nolink&}}{{:icons:tr5.png?nolink&}}Besides Sound ID, second argument may contain one of two “packed” bit flags. Their meanings are:
       * Bit 14 (''%%0x4000%%''): play this sound when on dry land (example: footsteps)       * Bit 14 (''%%0x4000%%''): play this sound when on dry land (example: footsteps)
       * Bit 15 (''%%0x8000%%''): play this sound when in water (example: running through shallow water)       * Bit 15 (''%%0x8000%%''): play this sound when in water (example: running through shallow water)
-  - **Flipeffect**  (2 operands). The first one is a frame number, and the second one is flipeffect number. Note that //flipeffect//  here is the very same kind of flipeffect [[trs:floordata#trigaction-0x09-flipeffect|used in trigger action]] with the same name. Flipeffect meaning is [[trs:miscellany#flipeffects|listed separately]].+  - **Flipeffect**  (2 arguments). The first one is a frame number, and the second one is flipeffect number. Note that //flipeffect//  here is the very same kind of flipeffect [[trs:floordata#trigaction-0x09-flipeffect|used in trigger action]] with the same name. Flipeffect meaning is [[trs:miscellany#flipeffects|listed separately]]. \\ {{:icons:tr3.png?nolink&}}{{:icons:tr4.png?nolink&}}{{:icons:tr5.png?nolink&}}Usually, when ''FOOTPRINT_FX'' flipeffect (ID 32) is used, second argument also may contain one of two “packed” bit flags, similar to Play Sound animcommand. However, meaning is different: 
 +      * Bit 14 (''%%0x4000%%''): apply ''FOOTPRINT_FX'' in relation to left foot 
 +      * Bit 15 (''%%0x8000%%''): apply ''FOOTPRINT_FX'' in relation to right foot
 ==== Frame Structure ==== ==== Frame Structure ====
trs/mesh_construction_animation.txt · Last modified: 2020/05/19 14:30 (external edit)
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