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trs [2020/05/19 12:20] zdimensiontrs [2020/05/19 12:50] (current) zdimension
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 ===== Current Unknowns ===== ===== Current Unknowns =====
-  - Clarify the meaning of //Bit 4//  in [[trs:room_geometry#tr2_room_vertex|[tr2_room_vertex]]] structure. 
   - Clarify what’s the purpose of ''<nowiki>Normal</nowiki>''  field in [[trs:room_geometry#tr5_room_vertex|[tr5_room_vertex]]] structure, and if really ''<nowiki>Attributes</nowiki>''  field was removed.   - Clarify what’s the purpose of ''<nowiki>Normal</nowiki>''  field in [[trs:room_geometry#tr5_room_vertex|[tr5_room_vertex]]] structure, and if really ''<nowiki>Attributes</nowiki>''  field was removed.
   - Whole [[trs:room_geometry#tr5_room|[tr5_room]]] structure needs detailed analysis with all its extra //Unknown//  fields.   - Whole [[trs:room_geometry#tr5_room|[tr5_room]]] structure needs detailed analysis with all its extra //Unknown//  fields.
trs.txt · Last modified: 2020/05/19 12:50 (external edit)
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