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trs:floordata [2020/05/19 12:50] – [Function 0x14] zdimensiontrs:floordata [2020/05/19 12:51] (current) – [Function 0x15] zdimension
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 {{:icons:tr3.png?nolink|TR3 only}}{{:icons:tr4.png?nolink|TR4 only}} This function has a different meaning in TR3 and TR4. {{:icons:tr3.png?nolink|TR3 only}}{{:icons:tr4.png?nolink|TR4 only}} This function has a different meaning in TR3 and TR4.
-  * In TR3, if Lara approaches sector with this FloorData function inside //minecart// vehicle, it will turn //right// 90 degrees, with a circle radius around 4 sectors (4096 units in world coordinates).+  * In TR3, if Lara approaches sector with this FloorData function inside //minecart// vehicle, it will turn //right// 90 degrees, with a circle radius around 4 sectors (4096 units in world coordinates). If both this and ''0x14'' functions are set for a given sector, minecart will //stop// there.
   * In TR4, this function is used together with special entity called //Mapper//. If //Mechanical Beetle// is placed in sector with function ''%%0x15%%'' and inactive //Mapper// entity, it rotates in the same direction //Mapper// is pointing to, activates it, and then rolls forward, until next sector with function ''%%0x15%%'' is reached. Then it waits until Lara picks it up.   * In TR4, this function is used together with special entity called //Mapper//. If //Mechanical Beetle// is placed in sector with function ''%%0x15%%'' and inactive //Mapper// entity, it rotates in the same direction //Mapper// is pointing to, activates it, and then rolls forward, until next sector with function ''%%0x15%%'' is reached. Then it waits until Lara picks it up.
trs/floordata.1589892657.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/05/19 12:50 by zdimension
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