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 {{:wiki:trwiki.jpg?nolink&300 |}} {{:wiki:trwiki.jpg?nolink&300 |}}
-This is the companion wiki to the famous [[https://opentomb.earvillage.net/TRosettaStone3/trosettastone.html|TRosettaStone 3]] document.+This is the companion wiki to the famous [[trs|TRosettaStone 3]] document.
 Because this wiki is closely related to the TRS3 document, we don't aim to repeat the information already present there. Instead, Because this wiki is closely related to the TRS3 document, we don't aim to repeat the information already present there. Instead,
-we aim at providing some sort of reference for all the things that don't really fit into the document flow, like providing [[trs:savegame:catalogues:catalogues|detailed catalogues+we aim at providing some sort of reference for all the things that don't really fit into the document flow, like providing [[catalogues:catalogues|detailed catalogues
 of game assets]] or in-detail descriptions of algorithms used in the different engine versions. of game assets]] or in-detail descriptions of algorithms used in the different engine versions.
 +[[trs|TRosettaStone 3 is here!]]
 +<note tip>
 +**A one-page version (every page is displayed one after the other, allows using browser Ctrl+F) of TRS3 is available [[trsone|here]].**
start.1486225873.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/02/04 16:31 (external edit)
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