struct TR2Savegame
    uint8_t saveName[75]; // ASCII C string; null-terminated (there is always random data after \0, it is ignored); for accents see String Array section of TOMBPC.DAT page
    int32_t saveNumber;
    // First level use block 0, second use block 1... so that at the end of the game, 
    // it sums up everything and/or checks if you found all secrets, etc.
    // For simplicity, this includes the tile menu as a level.
        uint16_t ammoPistols; // Always 0x3E8 (1000)
        uint16_t ammoAutoPistols; // 65,535 means unlimited
        uint16_t ammoUzis;
        uint16_t ammoShotgun;
        uint16_t ammoM16;
        uint16_t ammoGrenade;
        uint16_t ammoHarpoon;
        uint8_t smallMedipacks; // 255 means unlimited
        uint8_t largeMedipacks;
        uint8_t unknown;
        uint8_t flares;
        uint8_t unknown2[1];
        /* 0 None
         * 1 Pistols
         * 2 Automatic pistols
         * 3 Uzis
         * 4 Shotgun
         * 5 M16
         * 6 Grenade launcher
         * 7 Harpoon gun
        uint8_t weapon; // equipped weapon
        /* 00000001 Level unlocked
         * 00000010 Pistols
         * 00000100 Automatic pistols
         * 00001000 Uzis
         * 00010000 Shotgun
         * 00100000 M16
         * 01000000 Grenade launcher
         * 10000000 Harpoon gun
        uint16_t flags;
        uint8_t unknown3[2];
        uint32_t levelTime; // in game ticks
        uint32_t weaponHits;
        uint32_t weaponShots;
        uint32_t travelledDistance;
        uint16_t kills;
        uint8_t secretBits;
        uint8_t healthPacksUsed; // Divide by 2 for value. Large medipack = 1; Small = 0.5
    } levelInitData[24]; 
    uint32_t elapsedTime; // in game ticks (1/30th of a second), so divide by 30 for time in seconds
    uint32_t ammoUsed;
    uint32_t hits;
    uint32_t distanceTraveled; // Divide by 445.023 for value in meters
    uint32_t kills;
    /* 00000001 Bronze
     * 00000010 Jade
     * 00000100 Gold
    uint8_t secrets;
    uint8_t healthPacksUsed; // Divide by 2 for value. Large medipack = 1; Small = 0.5
    uint16_t levelNumber; // First level = 1
    uint8_t unlimitedAmmo; // Enabled = 1
    uint8_t numPickups[2];
    uint8_t puzzle[4]; // Corresponds to TOMBPC.DAT Puzzle & Keys entries
    uint8_t keys[4];
    uint32_t roomsAreFlipped;
    uint8_t flipStates[10];
    uint16_t trackFlags[64];
    uint8_t cameraFlags[]; // size depends on number of cameras in level
    uint8_t itemData[]; // item-specific savegame data, needs to be studied
    uint16_t laraObjectNumber; // item id of lara
    uint16_t laraHandStatus;
    uint16_t laraWeapon1;
    uint16_t laraWeapon2;
    uint16_t laraWeapon3;
    uint16_t laraFallspeedOverride;
    uint16_t laraWaterState;
    uint8_t unknown7[4];
    uint16_t laraStumbleFrame;
    uint16_t laraStumbleDir;
    uint16_t laraAirTime; // in game ticks
    uint8_t unknown8[4];
    uint16_t laraUnderwaterSpeed;
    uint16_t stumbleTimeout;
    uint16_t flareTimer;
    uint16_t currentVehicleId;
    uint16_t currentWeaponItemId;
    uint16_t weaponObjectNumberLeftHand;
    uint16_t weaponFrame;
    uint16_t weaponFlags;
    uint32_t distanceToWaterSurface;
    Vector3_32 travelDistancePrevPos; // position of previous frame to calculate distance
    uint8_t unknown10[8];
    uint32_t laraMeshPtrs[15];
    uint32_t firingAtEnemy;
    Vector2_16 aimAngles;
    uint16_t turnSpeed;
    uint16_t moveAngle;
    VectorYXZ_16 headRot;
    VectorYXZ_16 torsoRot
    struct WeaponAnimData {
        uint32_t animFrame; // pointer to anim frame data
        uint16_t frame;
        uint16_t animId;
        uint16_t canShoot;
        VectorXY_16 aimAngles;
        uint8_t unknown[2];
        uint16_t shooting;
    WeaponAnimData weaponAnimRight;
    WeaponAnimData weaponAnimLeft;
    uint32_t pistolsAmmo;
    uint32_t magnumsAmmo;
    uint32_t uziAmmo;
    uint32_t shotgunAmmo;
    uint32_t harpoonAmmo;
    uint32_t grenadeLauncherAmmo;
    uint32_t m16Ammo;
    uint32_t unknown11;
    uint32_t laraItemPtr;
    uint32_t gameEffectsPtr;
    uint16_t firstFreeEffect;
    uint16_t firstFreeItem;
    uint16_t firstActiveItem;
    uint16_t lastEffect;
    uint16_t bodyListHead; // for "clear bodies" floordata
    if(weapon1 != -1) {
        // data about this weapon
        uint16_t weaponObjectId;
        uint16_t weaponAnimNumber;
        uint16_t weaponFrame;
        uint16_t weaponAnimState;
        uint16_t goalAnimState;
    uint32_t currentFlipEffect;
    uint32_t flipEffectDuration;
    uint32_t unknown12;
    uint32_t activeFlares;
    struct FlareInfo {
        int32_t x, y, z;
        int16_t rotX, rotY, rotZ;
        uint16_t room;
        uint16_t speed;
        uint16_t fallspeed;
        uint32_t unknown;
    FlareInfo flareInfos[numFlares];
    // remainder is unused
    uint8_t readToEOF[];


The levelNumber field is used for determining what level the game should load when opening the savegame.

ID Level Puzzle Key
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
1 The Great Wall Guardhouse Key Rusty Key
2 Venice Boathouse Key Steel Key Iron Key
3 Bartoli's Hideout Library Key Detonator Key
4 Opera House Relay Box Circuit Board Ornate Key
5 Offshore Rig Red Pass Card Yellow Pass Card Green Pass Card
6 Diving Area Machine Chip Red Pass Card Blue Pass Card
7 40 Fathoms
8 Wreck of the Maria Doria Circuit Breaker Rest Room Key Rusty Key Cabin Key
9 Living Quarters Theatre Key Rusty Key
10 The Deck The Seraph Stern Key Storage Key Cabin Key
11 Tibetan Foothills The Seraph Drawbridge Key Hut Key
12 Barkhang Monastery Prayer Wheels Gemstones The Seraph Strongroom Key Trapdoor Key Rooftops Key Main Hall Key
13 Catacombs of the Talion Tibetan Mask
14 Ice Palace Tibetan Mask Gong Hammer
15 Temple of Xian The Dragon Seal Gold Key Silver Key Main Chamber Key
16 Floating Islands Mystic Plaque Mystic Plaque
17 The Dragon's Lair Mystic Plaque Dagger of Xian
18 Home Sweet Home Dagger of Xian Gun Cupboard Key
19 Venice (demo) Boathouse Key Steel Key Iron Key
20 Wreck of the Maria Doria (demo) Circuit Breaker Rest Room Key Rusty Key Cabin Key
21 Tibetan Foothills (demo) The Seraph Drawbridge Key Hut Key
Golden Mask levels
1 The Cold War Guardroom Key Shaft 'B' Key
2 Fool's Gold Circuit Board CardKey 1 CardKey 2
3 Furnace of the Gods Mask Of Tornarsuk Gold Nugget
4 Kingdom Mask Of Tornarsuk
5 Nightmare In Vegas Elevator Junction Door Circuit Hotel Key